Bhenke Photography: Blog 2020-03-16T07:17:00Z (C) Bhenke Photography Bhenke Photography Spring is here!!

With spring here and summer just around the corner don’t forget to start booking your family and senior sessions!!!

Bhenke Photography (C) Bhenke Photography 2018-04-11T06:57:02Z 2018-04-11T06:57:02Z The start of a new adventure

Warning!!! First blog ever… J

I want to start by wishing everybody a Happy Holidays! With Christmas being right around the corner I’m doing my best to get all of my previous sessions finished in a timely manner. We all know Christmas card time is near. I appreciate everyone’s patients and support throughout my new journey. I hope you can all bear with me while I grow and learn the tricks of the trade. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Bhenke Photography (C) Bhenke Photography 2017-11-24T18:41:58Z 2017-11-24T18:41:58Z